Chelsea Tinklenberg
36” x 48” x 24”
welded steel, water foot-valve, ball-hitch, bendable gas pipe, mop head, gigantic industrial size pipe flange, mop bucket, mop, pulley, belt, motor, wheels
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Vita 3600
72” x120” x 48”
Bell & Gossett suction diffuser, welded steel, bearings, pulleys, motor, dust mop, wood, paint
Chelsea Tinklenberg
60” x 24” x 12”
toilet paper, paint roller, aluminum conduit pipe, paint, vise, sink pedestal, wood, caster wheels
2020- 2021
Chelsea Tinklenberg
120” x 12” x 12”
fabricated steel, wheels, painting pole extension, fly swatter, duct tape
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Swept Away
10’ x 10’
steam bent wood handles, brooms, motor, pulleys, welded steel, paint
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Loose Ends
60” x 12” x 36”
push brooms, pex tubing, plastic chain, hooks, pulley, produce scoop, lemons
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Catastrophe Theory
60” x 12” x 36”
forged steel, laminated wood, aluminum cabbage, bronze cabbage, rope
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Conveyor of Self
50” x 191” x 36”
fabricated steel, modified and re-welded conveyor belts, dustpan, 50 purple cabbages, aluminum cabbage
Chelsea Tinklenberg
Not for Sweeping
72” x120” x24”
industrial plumbing fixtures, welded steel, bearings, pulleys, motor, brooms
"Throwing caution to the wind" by Katherine Rogers
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"The Transition" by Britney Chaseng
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"Lost and Found" by Isaiah Brown
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"Throwing out 2020!" by Sha’mya Jones
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"What have they done for you?" by Destinee Ledee
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"Reflections behind the mask" by Emily Resau
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"Have a Corona" by Isaiah Romsdahl
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic
"Pandemic Pals" by Declan Austin
Caution Signs
collaborative project with students to create works based on a response to the coronavirus pandemic