**Pre-register for a discount!** Student discounts available! Beginner and Intermediate class options. Pay before February 5th and receive a $20 discount! Paypal link below, or message us for other options.
Beginner Class - Swing Fundamentals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~7:30pm to 8:30pm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This class covers all you need to know in your basics for West Coast Swing. Interested in East Coast Swing as well? This class will tie in every move and concept to your East Coast Swing dancing as well. Don't know the difference? This class will teach you both! $40/person before 2/5. Includes all 4 classes and social dancing each night following the lesson. Message us for student discount pricing. **After 2/5** - $15/person per night. 7:30pm to 8:30pm.
Fundamentals + Intermediate Class - Building Patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6:30pm to 7:30pm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For this class, you must know either West Coast Swing or East Coast Swing basics moves and connection. These lessons will focus on musicality, quality of movement, and pattern building! Please message us to be approved for this class if you have never been in our basic lessons before. $40/person before 2/5. Includes all 4 classes, fundamental lessons, and social dancing each night following classes. Message us for student pricing. **After 2/5** - $15/person per night. 6:30pm to 7:30pm.
note***intermediate class is BEFORE the beginner class, please check times. Stay and help the beginners learn! Social dancing after beginner class.***
Social dancing each night will be from 8:30-10:30pm following classes. Cover charge is $5/person for dance only.