The life and legend of the one, the only, the infamous, Robert Crumb. One of America’s most iconic underground cartoonists, known for his controversial topics and imagery, Crumb is someone you may have never head of, but probably should have. He’s also still happily alive in southern France, so come see a movie about him. That way, one day when you’re at a comic convention, you can meet him and know way too much information about his personal life for either of your comfort levels. Then you can come back to Lynchburg and blame Ken Faraoni for showing you this movie.
“Crumb” tells the story of underground cartoonist Robert Crumb in documentary format through interviews with his family and ex-girlfriends. Directed by Terry Zwigoff. Rotten Tomatoes rates this film at 95%, along with a review that states, “A fascinating, funny and finally troubling documentary about the prolific, iconoclastic underground cartoonist Robert Crumb.” This film is rated R, so I suggest you leave the kids at home for this one.
Showing in the Rosel H. Schewel Theater on May 16th, 2018.
The doors open at 7:00 p.m. The show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are $7.00. Popcorn and a cash bar will be available.
Saying it again, for the people in the back: CRUMB IS NOT FAMILY FRIENDLY. LEAVE THE KIDDOS AT HOME.