In Bad Anatomy, these darkly humorous poems provide an unyielding glimpse into the anxieties of selfhood and the ways that the imagination functions as a fool-proof escape. She does this in a way that feels real and original, lending her voice out into the world. A poet of self-deprecation and dark fantasy, Cohen is a woman haunted by her own vulnerabilities, a woman creating the strength-shield she needs to navigate and survive this life.
Hannah Cohen lives in Virginia and received her MFA from Queens University of Charlotte. She is the author of the chapbook Bad Anatomy (Glass Poetry Press, 2018). She is a contributing editor for Platypus Press and co-edits the online journal Cotton Xenomorph. Recent and forthcoming publications include Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Noble/Gas Qtrly, Cosmonauts Avenue, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, Gravel, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. She’s received Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize nominations.
Doors open at 6:30, event starts at 7pm in the Riverviews Artists’ Co-Op Gallery on the Ground Floor. Free and open to the public!
Cash bar will be available. Copies of Bad Anatomy will be available for purchase during the event, or you may order online at
This event is part of BeatBurg, Riverviews Artspace’s National Poetry Month celebration!