In Shift Work, Laura-Gray Street explores the often overlooked role of women and femininity in the historical struggle for dignity in work. She treats poetics as as much a form of labor as textiles. The threads connect to create a collection that is at once personal and historical, abstract and grounded, in the factory, in the home, and as bloody as needlework can be. (
Laura-Gray Street is an associate professor and chair of the Randolph College English Department, where she oversees the Creative Writing Program and serves as director of the Visiting Writers Series. She is author of Pigment and Fume (Salmon Poetry, 2014) and co-editor with Ann Fisher-Wirth of The Ecopoetry Anthology (Trinity University Press, 2013). Street holds an MA from the University of Virginia and an MFA from the Warren Wilson Program for Writers and has since received numerous poetry prizes. To learn more, check out her website.
Event starts at 7pm in the Riverviews Artists’ Co-Op Gallery on the Ground Floor. Free and open to the public!
Cash bar will be available. Copies of Shift Work will be available that night and also online at the Red Bird Chapbooks link above.
This event is part of BeatBurg, Riverviews Artspace’s National Poetry Month celebration!