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Guitar Workshop With Eli Cook

Eli Cook will return again to Riverviews Artspace! He will be teaching a guitar workshop, and performing a small intimate concert. Come see this amazing blues artist on April 14th in the Rosel H. Schewel Theater.

The workshop will be on April 14th from 2:00-5:00 p.m in Studio 109. The workshop is $35.00.

Take this opportunity to learn from one the best blues musicians in the country!

Back by popular demand, we have asked Eli for another guitar workshop session! The class will focus on  various rhythmic concepts in Blues and Blues-based guitar, including picking patterns, shuffles, and important elements of “feel”. The class will also touch on basics of lead-guitar, such as building melody lines out of chords, different voicings, vibrato, thinking and playing both “in the box” and “outside the box”. The class may also address basics of slide-guitar (open tunings, muting and picking patterns) depending on the level of interest.

Requirements for attendees:
•They should have an acoustic guitar.
•If they only have an electric guitar, that’s fine, but no amplification.
•They should already be familiar with basic chords, how to tune the instrument, etc.
Note: Anyone who is just starting will probably not get much from the class.
Limit 15 participants $35 per person.

Eli took up the guitar as a teenager in the Blue Ridge foothills of Virginia. Following the tradition of the great blues men, he performed in churches and late-night gospel revivals with only his acoustic and deep baritone voice, while playing every hole-in-the-wall bar that could handle his electric power trio. Blending the influences of John Lee Hooker, Muddy Waters, Fred MacDowell, Bukka White and Lightning Hopkins with the likes of Clutch, Soundgarden, C.O.C, and Rage against the Machine, he forged a fresh sound, alive with the southern blues tradition.

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